Vet time
Well today we went to the vet. Shamoo has what we think is an old ACL tear with arthritis from the repeated scar tissue in the knee. The vet does not recommend a surgery due to the vast amount of scar tissue, her age, and her activity level (she only carries it occasionally and even then its every 5 or so steps). Other than that she looks amazing for her age. The vet was amazed by how pretty her old chompers are. Her thyroid is a tiny bit low functioning but nothing to worry about (we did a full senior blood panel). Her eyes are just old, no cataract concerns (just grey, not white). She's a NUT and cracked everyone up in the clinic. She's a crazy crazy old lady and then there is quiet princess Arnold who's so sensitive and neurotic he barely makes a move. Arnold's ears and tummy are slightly enflamed (barely noticeable and the vet was impressed I even paid notice to it). We think its seasonal allergies accompanied by his neurotic licking causing a vicious cycle of dirty dry skin. The vet would like us to eventually discuss removing Arnold's broken canine but we're in no rush. We'll wait until we have more stable jobs and the extra 400 bucks. As for now she said his teeth look wonderful, aside from the fact they are beaten up from chewing metal crates as a past time. Arnold is 62 lbs and Shamoo is 50 lbs.
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