Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 2 of Flyball...

And I have learned....

1) Shamoo is a crate escape artist studied under the master Arnold. It appears no body puts baby in the corner, or she'll come back at you at lightening speed.

2) Shamoo is very fast.

3) Buying a pair of carharts to practice in sounds like a great plan.

4) Shamoo is either A) going blind, B) very casual about where she bites, or C) likes the taste of my blood.

Last night we had our second Flyball practice with the Shamwow of MooCow town. We're officially members of the team and we had a formal introduction to the entire team last night.

Well, someone (probably my fault I'm sure) forgot to tell Shamoo only Humanoids need be in the conference room during the first meeting. So after we had crated all the dogs, including Shamoo, in the general loading area we sat down in the meeting room and went around with introductions.

I swear Shamoo must have been eavesdropping because as we went around the table with a "... And this is Adrianne and Denis, they own a pit bull named Shamoo who is a rescue and new to the sport--" BANG BANG BANG... Door opens.... Shamoo comes barging in for a grand entrance making slip of Denis and I and sliming every person in the room under the table.

After much apologizing and laughing we decided Shamoo could (unlike the rest of the dogs) be crated in the room during our meeting for the sake of the other dogs watching in horror as she assaulted her cage again.

After this booming entrance we practiced. I got to learn to hold a dog ("because you're starting with a rather difficult dog as well"). This dog was a veteran of the sport, a little 30 some lb 10 yr old Stafford named Intrepid. I considered running out with him and never returning. He was so cool, it was a blast loading him on my lap and then feeling hims tense and back up for a launch as he heard his owner across the room yell "Ready, Set... GO!"

Eventually we brought out Shamoo and as I kneeled on the ground in my torn jeans, one knee up (just happened to be the bare skin knee), one knee down, I was taught another lesson about Shamoo. When you send Shamoo to the box be ready for a speedy blind return for the toy. This time I wasn't and my knee fell victim. Shamoo came back flying at me and nailed my knee, my third Shamoo puncture, in the bank! Everyone believes she saw the opposing color and just went for it thinking it was a toy; me, I'm pretty sure she likes to watch me bleed.

Finally we tried a few basic recalls over the hurdles without the box (we'll work on the Tennis ball drive more and more, she really doesn't love them). "This bitch is really quick!" Well, so I am told, I'm just impressed FattyMcloveburger is even running.

All in all it was a great practice. Hopefully next time I'll remember what I learned...

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